Day Camp or Sleep-Away Camp?
This is the question which is tackled by Shelby Holliday, WSJ Senior Video Reporter, while interviewing Dr. Jephtha Tausig-Edwards, Clinical Psychologist/Family and Children’s Services. Tips given will help parents find the best summer camp for their children.
Age and Developmental Level of the Child
How independent and mature is the child in his/her daily life: are they interested in sleeping away from home or becoming involved in new adventures?
Is the Child Ready for Day or Sleep-Away Camp?
Some children may not want to go camping but prefer to spend time engaging in neighborhood activities and visiting relatives. Parents must consider this as a possibility.
If the child is old enough, have a discussion with them while viewing pictures/videos, and other information regarding various camps.
Camp Staff Members
How many counselors are there per camp, and are they experienced counselors, assistant counselors, or counselors in training? How much training have they had in Pediatric CPR?
- Parents and children get a break from each other.
- Children meet new friends, have new experiences, and learn to interact with other adults.
Rules of Engagement
Campsites will have rules regarding parental contact with children during camping sessions.