When people think about internet marketing today, the things that come to mind are usually search engine optimization or social media marketing, and maybe pay-per-click advertisements. It is likely that most people won’t even consider something as seemingly archaic as email marketing. Unfortunately for white label email marketing, not many people think of it as one of the best types of internet marketing. But, fortunately for white label email marketing, it really is still one of the best ways to market on the internet. Here is some information to help you understand why white label email marketing still reigns supreme.
First, a few words on what email marketing is, exactly. Many people like to declaim that email marketing is dead, and, as such, they probably have no idea how it really works. Email marketing is simple in its base concept. Email marketing is, simply enough, the practice of sending an email to a list of people with the intent of selling them a product or service. This simple definition is perhaps what gains white label email marketing its bad reputation. Many businesses today simply think that anybody who receives an email from somebody they don’t know will immediately delete it. While this may be true of some people and some emails, there are plenty of ways to make email marketing work for your business.
White label email marketing can be extremely cost-effective for a business. With most traditional direct marketing campaigns, you incur several costs that email does not. Direct marketing campaigns can cost you thousands of dollars for one measly newsletter when you take into account the artwork, printing, addressing, and mailing that go into it. Email on the other hand requires almost none of those things, and can be much more targeted. With white label email marketing you can send emails only to those people that you know are interested in what you are selling.
But the electronic nature of email has more advantages than just being more cost-effective. Email is a medium that is all about immediacy, especially when compared to traditional direct marketing campaigns. Whereas with direct marketing you may have to wait days or weeks for results, with email marketing you can immediately know how well your email was received by your customers. It is also extremely easy to track the data for your white label email marketing campaign. With email marketing you can tell at a glance how many people opened your email; how many clicked on the links inside; and how many of those clicks converted to sales. Additionally, you can see who forwarded them, marked them as spam, or unsubscribed to them.