When you have lost a loved one, the last thing that you want to have to worry about are funeral prices or finding out information about direct cremation. Before you decide to find a funeral home in your area so that you can plan a touching family funeral services in honor of your deceased loved one, here are a few facts that you should know so that you can make the best decisions concerning arrangements possible.
1. Both elephants and chimpanzees have been known to “bury” their deceased under leaves and other organic material.
2. Did you know that consulting a funeral directory and paying for a funeral can rank among the most expensive purchases many consumers will ever make?
3. To help relieve their families of some of these decisions, an increasing number of people are planning their own funerals, designating their funeral preferences, and sometimes even paying for them in advance. This is particularly important if you are thinking about doing something that is a little less traditional like direct cremation or an ecological burial. You can also make sure that your passing is not a financial burden on your family in any way.
4. 93 percent of consumers have sent sympathy gifts or flowers as an expression of love, care and concern for the bereaved. Some people these days are even decide to donate to charity in the memory of their loved one who has passed. It all depends on the wishes and traditions of those who are involved.
5. The basic services fee includes services that are common to all funerals, regardless of the specific arrangement. These include funeral planning, securing the necessary permits and copies of death certificates, preparing the notices, sheltering the remains, and coordinating the arrangements with the cemetery, crematory or other third parties. Read more: www.strangfuneral.org