Sometimes, life hits us with the unexpected and we need a same day attorney service to help us sort it out. Since it’s impossible to plan for unanticipated emergencies, it’s best to have a list of potential lawyers who could give you sound legal counsel in a pinch. Even if you never have to call an attorney on short notice and beg for advice on the right thing to do from a legal perspective, you can gain some peace of mind by having a list of attorneys in your phone or address book who specialize in providing services that are pertinent to any worst case scenario you could imagine.
Do I Need to Look for Attorneys if I Don’t Need One Immediately?
If you’ve never searched for an attorney before or sought legal counsel, it may seem like a waste of time to search for one if you don’t need one. After all, there are probably a million other ways you’d like to spend your time instead of sitting down in front of a computer screen and searching for attorneys. Although you might be tempted to put this task off, it’s wise to reconsider and at least find a few general legal professionals in your area before you need them. You can save that list for a rainy day and thank yourself later when it comes in handy right when you want to have it.
The worst thing you can do is wait until the last minute to find an attorney who may be willing to work with you. If you’re starting from scratch in your search while you’re in the middle of a stressful event, it can make your stress level skyrocket even higher than it was before. When you need an attorney fast, you might not have time to look for another one.
Depending on your circumstances, you might not even have access to the tools you need to find a new attorney for a situation when it arises. If you’re trying to get an attorney while you’re in prison for criminal charges, it can be much more challenging if you don’t already have a list of potential lawyers that’s accessible to your loved ones outside of the prison system. Unpredictable factors like internet outages can also make you vulnerable to going without an attorney when you need sound legal counsel. For this reason, we wouldn’t recommend delaying this process.
Criminal Defense Lawyer
Whether you’ve been charged with a crime or you anticipate criminal charges being filed against you, it’s important to look for an attorney who can provide a same day attorney service when you’re on a time crunch due to the nature of the criminal justice system. The sooner you pay a retainer to get a criminal defense attorney, the sooner you’ll be able to start working with that attorney to come up with a plan for how you’re going to build your defense. If it doesn’t make sense for you to go to trial because of the costs associated with going to trial, your criminal defense attorney can work with you to find a better solution for your wallet and time. Depending on the nature of the charges, your attorney could advocate for you to enter a first-time offense re-entry program or do probation instead of jail time. If your crime is related to drug and alcohol use, your attorney may be able to convey how your substance use disorder impacted your judgment at the time of the crime and advocate for treatment instead of punitive measures.
When you’re looking for a criminal defense attorney, you should prioritize finding local criminal attorneys who live near you. Depending on your state, you may need a lawyer who practices the law in that area. You might also find it more convenient to work with someone who could easily drive to your courthouse and meet with you to discuss the nature of the crime or other pertinent information in the comfort of your own home.
Personal Injury Lawyer
Before you experience an injury that leads you to make a claim against the entity or person who wronged you, you should have some personal injury attorneys in mind to call. While some personal injury law firms won’t be able to provide a same day attorney service, the ones that suit your needs will be able to work with you on a time crunch. As you may know, time is of the essence when it comes to filing personal injury claims. Delaying getting representation can result in your case not having the outcome that you desire. This can impact you emotionally, financially, and legally if you don’t get the help you need when you need it.
Traffic Violation Lawyer
Whether you have a speeding ticket you’d like to contest or you had another traffic violation occur, you mustn’t delay finding same day attorney service for representation and legal counsel. Most traffic violation attorneys will have an understanding of whether your case expands into territory that would be better helped by a criminal defense attorney. For this reason, you can try calling traffic violation attorneys and ask for their advice before you seek out more intensive legal counsel.
Real Estate Lawyer
From completing tasks like writing contracts to providing you with expert advice on abiding by real estate laws, there are many reasons why a home seller, home buyer, landlord, or real estate agent may need to call a real estate legal professional for a same day attorney service. Before you know you’ll need this kind of service, you should at least have a couple of ideas of which real estate attorneys office you would want to call when you find yourself in a real estate legal emergency. Having some real estate legal professionals in your back pocket (or address book) can make it far easier to resolve the issue promptly when it comes up.
Landlord and Tenant Lawyer
Whether you’re a tenant who is on the receiving end of an eviction or a landlord who needs to take a former tenant to court to recover rental payments, it can be beneficial to call a landlord and tenant attorney to represent you in this matter. Although it can be challenging to find a same day attorney service in this field, it’s not impossible. If you can find these types of lawyers who pride themselves and their team in providing speedy services on your schedule, it may work out better for you than taking a gamble on an attorney who has a waitlist. If you list potential landlord and tenant attorneys before you need them, you can simply go down your list while making calls instead of searching for multiple lawyers and weeding through internet search results when you’re already panicking about needing one.
Estate Planning Lawyer
When you or a loved one is planning for the end of your life or how to provide for loved ones after death, it may not seem urgent enough to warrant calling a same day attorney service for help. Still, as any estate planning attorney will tell you, you don’t want to wait until you’re on your deathbed to plan for your estate. Depending on what health concerns you have or cognitive declines you can anticipate as you age, it can be wise to finish your estate planning and get your affairs in order while you’re still young or healthy enough to have a solid grasp of what you’re doing. When you have a clear picture of how you’d like the end of your life to go in terms of estate planning, you’ll be able to have an easier time executing that plan if you call attorneys on the matter early.
Even if you’re not ready to take time out of your busy schedule to contact an attorney who could help you plan your estate, write a will, and make other decisions, it doesn’t hurt to know who you’d contact if/when you became ready for that difficult step. An estate planning attorney may be able to advise you on the best timeline for preparing a will and taking other steps toward planning your estate. They may also be a good person to contact if a loved one wants to make those decisions and prepare for the end of life. Although you never know how long you have to live, it’s not a bad idea to plan for this sooner rather than later. That way, you won’t have to worry about how your loved ones will cope financially if you want to leave a legacy if you pass unexpectedly due to a rapid decline or accident.
Bankruptcy Lawyer
When your debt is overwhelming or your financial situation seems insurmountable, you might want to have a bankruptcy law professional on speed dial in your contacts. Although filing a motion for bankruptcy can take time, you can see if a same day attorney service would be available for consultation about your situation or filing paperwork on short notice. Additionally, a local bankruptcy attorney can help you navigate the bankruptcy options at your disposal.
While you might think one type of bankruptcy claim is superior after doing some brief research on the internet, an attorney will have a better idea of the short-term and long-term effects of different types of bankruptcies that could impact your life and future. They may also be able to help you avoid bankruptcy by making other decisions or negotiating with the source of your debt that leads you to consider bankruptcy. Depending on your financial situation, it may be smart to hold off on bankruptcy if you can manage it. Only a qualified legal professional who understands your unique situation will be able to give you useful advice on the matter, though, so you shouldn’t take our word for it until you speak with a lawyer who’s familiar with bankruptcy law.
Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer
Whether you are found to be at fault after a motor vehicle accident or another party caused an automobile accident that impacts you financially, medically, or emotionally, there are motor vehicle accident attorneys who could help. Instead of waiting until you need a same day attorney service for a car accident, you should have some ideas of attorneys you could call before it happens. Even if you only have one or two car accident attorneys on your list of lawyers on speed dial, it’s better than not knowing where to turn when you find yourself in this difficult situation.
Slip and Fall Lawyer
After a slip and fall accident, you’ll want to contact a slip and fall accident lawyer. For the best chance of getting same day attorney service, you should have this type of attorney on speed dial in your phone. Alternatively, you can keep their number somewhere safe like an address book or planner for later use.
Although you should stay grounded in the present and not stress too much about what could happen tomorrow, the next day, or even next year, it’s prudent to have some plans for how you would handle situations that may be outside of your expertise. While some attorneys or law offices may have waitlists if they’re in high demand for their services in your area, you may be able to find some attorneys who offer same day attorney service as a perk of working with them. Keep in mind that just because an attorney or law firm offers same-day services now, it doesn’t mean that this won’t change in the months or years to come.
For this reason, we recommend updating your list of lawyers or legal professionals that you keep on speed dial regularly. Otherwise, you may find that your favorite choice for a criminal defense attorney or a personal injury attorney went out of business years before you needed them if you didn’t take the time to update your list.
Calling an attorney can be a stressful task. Even if you don’t mind calling an attorney, finding one might be challenging if you wait until you need one. Researching attorneys of all kinds and putting them on a physical or digital list can prepare you for any potential problem. It can also give you peace in uncertain times.