Whats on the CTI Certification Test?

Whats on the CTI Certification Test?

Going through CTI certification is the only way you can have actual proof of your knowledge and skills as a tile installer. But how does the test work? The Youtube video “Certified Tile Installer Test” shows how people take the exam and why you should consider going through this training. Let’s find out more!

This test is given by the CTEF, the Ceramic Tile Education Foundation, and it includes a written part and a practical part. The former section counts for 25% of the final grade, and the practical part constitutes the rest.

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In the latter part, you’ll see a mockup tile installation of about 25 square feet, and although it’s tiny, it’s pretty complicated.

The mockup consists of a wooden frame where test-takers have to install a backer board on the floor and then the tile. The exam doesn’t always have the same size of tiles, but the general parameters of it don’t differ much. The students also install the tile on the wall part of the frame after correctly placing the backer board with tape and adjusting the seams, which has to be done following certain steps.

You can check the rest of the video for more details about CTI certification.



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