Are You Suffering From Complex Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy?

Chronic lyme disease

Complex Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, also referred to as RSD, is a chronic pain disorder the symptoms of which include sensitivity to light touch, edema, skin discoloration, fluctuation in temperature, muscle weakness, abnormal sweating, atrophied muscles, and depressed mood. Luckily, there are RSD treatment options available for RSD pain. The benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy have been well documented in regards to treatment for RSD pain, and there are a number of hyperbaric oxygen therapy locations throughout the U.S. in which people who are suffering can obtain treatment for RSD pain.

A hyperbaric pressure chamber used in the treatment for RSD pain is construct

Oakwood Village in Auburn CA

Oakwood Village3388 Bell RoadAuburn, CA 889-8122SHORT DESCRIPTION: Oakwood Village offers Specialized Dementia, Alzheimers, and memory loss care in addition to our assisted living and respite care. Oakwood Village was…

Avoid Long Lines and Big Bills for Your Medical Care

Urgent care centenial co

Most people have experienced a time when they or their children are sick and the doctors office is close. Those urgent medical needs were most likely treated by an emergency room late at night or on the weekend. Luckily, the local urgent care movement came about in the 1970s in the United States. Due to the quick and affordable nature of the offices, they have grown exponentially across the world since then.

Urgent care facilities have now become one of the fastest growing branches in the health care system. An urgent care facility allows you to see a doctor when your regular doctors office is closed. The emergency room was designed for lif