Occupational Injuries Are You Eligible for Compensation?

Injured on the job

Did you know that, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 905,700 employees missed work in 2012 owing to occupational injuries and illnesses? Missing weeks, or sometimes even months, of work can devastate personal finances and empty bank accounts. Workers compensation may be able to support employees during the most trying times of their lives. What are the most common work-related injuries, and how do workers know if they’re eligible for workers compensation?

Common Occupational Injuries

Getting hurt on the job is not altogether uncommon. In fact, in 2012, nearly 3 million workers suffered from work-related injuries, according to a Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII). Burn

What Exactly Is a Creative Marketing Agency?

Internet marketing agencies

There are so many different kinds marketing and advertising companies out there, each performing a similar, but distinctly different task. It’s easier to define what some marketers do, such as Internet marketing agencies. As indicated by their name, they utilize online marketing strategies to create brand awareness.

Yet, a definition for the more ambiguously named “creative marketing agency” can be harder to put into words. While creative marketing agencies undoubtedly provide some of the best services around, it’s hard to say what exactly they do that’s differentiates them from other companies.

To help explain what these businesses are, let’s look at what

Save Time and Money With Inventory Control Programs

Inventory control management software

Do you need to implement inventory control programs for your business. These programs can provide essential services to your company. For instance, inventory control programs will give you and your distribution chain current data about your inventory levels. Software for inventory control will also allow you to stay informed about your products as it travels between locations.

Inventory control programs are often part of and enterprise resource planning system. ERP systems are usually a package of programs working in conjunction with each other to provide management for companies. They will also help automate the back office functions. These ERP programs can also join together other business systems such as product planning, development, as well as sales and marketing.

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