If you run your own business, you are likely well aware of the rise of online marketing. That said, direct mail marketing is still alive and well. In fact, more than 90 billion direct mail items such as business postcards are distributed in America annually.
Surveys indicate that it is still worthwhile to invest in direct mail campaigns. The global research agency known as Millward Brown conducted a survey that found that direct mailings tended to make a more lasting impression on prospective consumers. Other surveys suggest that customers between the ages of 18 and 34 would rather get marketing mail such as business postcards rather than online marketing notifications. Perhaps most importantly, you may find that working with direct mail marketing companies can get you the greatest return-on-investment when reaching new customers.
In particular, direct mail postcards can catch the eyes of the customers you are actively seeking, demographic-wise, all while limiting direct mail costs. When working with direct mailing companies, be sure that you are happy with the quality of the printed materials. They must look professional and clearly communicate the intended information, first and foremost.
If you have further questions, comments, or recommendations regarding direct mail marketing, you may share your ideas in the section below.