In this video, you will learn about an environmental remediation contractor. When you are remediating soil, there are pros and cons to different methods you can use. The first method that can be used is soil vapor extraction or SVE.
Subsurface contamination is removed as vapor using high-powered vacuums. This method is extremely common but has its pros and cons. This method is among one of the lowest maintenance. You are able to operate this cost-effectively. The cons of this method are that it is only effective in coarse-grained soil. Electrical Resistance Heating or ERH is another method. Like SVE, there are pros and cons to this method too. The subsurface soils are heated using electricity and contamination. A major pro is that this method works in all geological settings. It is effective both above and below the ground. The cons of this method are that very specialized equipment is needed. There is a lot that goes into this method. Chemical oxidation is the next method. A major pro of this is that it is fast-acting. If you are interested in learning more, keep watching this video.