Learn About Portable Phone Booths for Sale

Photo booth rentals orange county

Pictures of important people and events continue to be a vital way of capturing memories and marking special occasions. A photo booth rental allows the people attending an event to really put their heart and soul into it. To make it even better, with all the technology that is available these days, many of these photo booth rentals allow the users to instantly print out their pictures which lets them easily upload their favorites to all the major social media outlets right there on the spot.

Given the popularity of wedding photo booths, as well as other event photo booths, as a way to capture those wonderful candid shots, Continue Reading

Classic Floor Designs, Inc in Washington DC

Classic Floor Designs, Inc2120 L Street NWWashington, DC 20037www.classicfloordesigns.info202-872-9860Classic Floor Designs offers the best selection of luxurious carpeting, rugs, flooring and more, all value priced to fit your budget. Top…

Do You Own a Business or Commercial Property in the DC Area? Then You Might Need to Look Into Street Sweeping Services

Dc commercial sweeping

If you own a business or commercial property in the Washington DC area, then you might be in need of DC commercial sweeping. Street sweeping has many benefits. It is often managed by the city but they may not be able to do it as often as necessary and they do not sweep parking lots. Though you may not think that this is your responsibility to take care of street sweeping duties or that it is not very important, here are a few reasons why you should look into it regardless of what kind of business or property you run.

1. The purpose of street sweeping is that it helps to remove debris from gutters and roadsides which, if left unswept, would otherwise make its way into the storm drains. This is a very common and troubling cause of water pollution. Though there are many different ways to reduce water pol