Occupational Injuries Are You Eligible for Compensation?

Injured on the job

Did you know that, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 905,700 employees missed work in 2012 owing to occupational injuries and illnesses? Missing weeks, or sometimes even months, of work can devastate personal finances and empty bank accounts. Workers compensation may be able to support employees during the most trying times of their lives. What are the most common work-related injuries, and how do workers know if they’re eligible for workers compensation?

Common Occupational Injuries

Getting hurt on the job is not altogether uncommon. In fact, in 2012, nearly 3 million workers suffered from work-related injuries, according to a Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII). Burns, electrocutions, sudden impact injuries, and slips, trips, and falls threaten most workers. In fact, the National Safely Commission reveals that 25,000 workers slip, trip, or fall per day! Many people do not realize, however, that workers face much more likely hazards. Repetitive strain injuries, such as improper lifting and back injuries, make up one in four missed work injuries. Other examples of overuse injuries include carpel tunnel syndrome and tendinitis.

Do You Qualify For Workers Compensation?

Resource Nation reports that employers shelled out $51 billion for workers’ compensation and other related costs nearly a decade ago, in 2003. Amounts paid out for occupational injuries are, if anything, increasing. Here’s what to do if you get hurt at work:

  • Report all injuries ASAP. Workers’ compensation claims often hinge on employees’ thoroughness and timeliness. Report any signs of injury, including muscle aches and tightening. Minor aches and pains are often the first signs of more serious injury. Keep in mind that your company and/or insurance carrier may require an examination for compensation claims. A timely examination will yield the most accurate results.
  • Consider ways workers’ compensation is changing. Australian and Canadian employers are expanding their definitions of occupational illnesses to include mental ails and injuries. Depending on your employer or line of work, you may be eligible for compensation if you are suffering from psychological conditions, such as PTSD.

Hurt on the job? Workers face a number of hazards in any given day. Get due compensation for injuries at work by reporting all injuries (including major and minor symptoms) and documenting injuries ASAP. More like this article.

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