Website marketing can be a really frustrating, drawn out process if you don’t have a team of web design experts under your employ. There are many different options to optimize your website design experience, especially if you choose an SEO web design company to do the work for you. Integrating SEO in your website is a great way to not only increase traffic to your website, but also to make sure that your website is easy to navigate, and all these services come from the same web design agent.
Still not sure what web design has to do with your website marketing? Here are some interesting facts about internet users that might help clear things up.
- Web design includes a large variety of different specializations such as interface design, authoring, proprietary software and standardized code, graphic design, search engine optimization, and user experience design.
- Global spending on rich media and spending is expected to increase to $1.5 billion this year, while internet search increases to $2.2 billion.
- Nearly half of mobile users are frustrated when they browse websites that are not optimized or are poorly optimized.
- More than 30% of mobile users claim that any time they spend on a website that is poorly optimized is time wasted.
- Mobile users have become increasingly interested in interacting with your company and brand on their mobile device by getting special offers such as coupons on their device.