Inside the Super Thermogenic Revolution

Lipo 6 black

There has been a flood of nutritional food supplements and body building products to take the market by storm recently.

Super thermogenic performance enhancing supplements such as Oxyelite Pro, Cellucore Super hd, and Lipo 6 black are just a few of the weight loss products to partake in the super thermogenic revolution.

Such performance supplements have been reported to jack up energy and improve focus for a “complete sensory experience,” as some are calling it. Bodybuilders everywhere are raving about the super thermogenic benefits on physical drive, and energy.

Many of these bodybuilding supplements are composed of a mix of chemicals which, in combination with one another, create a highly potent performance enhancing beverage. Between caffeine anhydrous for that extra energy kick, Coleus Forksohlii (the super thermogenic focus booster), or Cenephora Robusta (green coffee bean extract) for weight loss, many athletes and weight trainers have been applying the substance to their workout plans.

The products have not been without criticism, though. Many doubt how healthy super thermogenic substances are, and some claim that they are unsafe because the long term effects of the chemicals in synergy with one another have not been able to be tested. Another argument against the miracle bodybuilding powder is that its ingredients often have not been approved by the FDA. Companies that sell super thermogenic substances have also been required to state that none of the weight loss claims have been backed by clinical studies.

Regardless of the health concerns, people all over the country have reported losing up to 11 pounds in 60 days of using super thermogenic products along with a low calorie diet and moderate exercise. More like this blog.


  1. I would never trust a product not approved by the FDA. That is just some sketchy business right there. How do we know it is safe?

  2. Gilbert Franklin

    FDA approval would not make me feel any better, but upon researching it, I have made a well informed decision for myself on whether or not I thought it was healthy.

  3. FDA approval would not make me feel any better, but upon researching it, I have made a well informed decision for myself on whether or not I thought it was healthy.

  4. FDA approval would not make me feel any better, but upon researching it, I have made a well informed decision for myself on whether or not I thought it was healthy.

  5. Jeremy Reid

    FDA approval would not make me feel any better, but upon researching it, I have made a well informed decision for myself on whether or not I thought it was healthy.

  6. Charlie Mendez

    FDA approval would not make me feel any better, but upon researching it, I have made a well informed decision for myself on whether or not I thought it was healthy.

  7. FDA approval would not make me feel any better, but upon researching it, I have made a well informed decision for myself on whether or not I thought it was healthy.

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